Prunus - Wholesale Nurseries

When wholesalers and landscapers talk of prunus varieties they are usually refering to the flowering varieties. The flowering cherries are amongst the most popular of all small to medium flowering trees.

Some are grown primarily for the spring flowers, while others are useful as street trees, background trees in the garden and even as deciduous shade trees


Popular Prunus varieties available from wholesale growers include.

The group of Prunus known as 'Flowering Cherries' include a number of species and cultivars :


Wholesale Prunus varieties are available for sale from the following Wholesale Growers

Deep Pool Lane, Station Road, Chobham, Surrey, GU24 8AS
phone: 01276 857448
Includes: Prunus Accolade, Ama-no- gawa, Autumnalis, Autumnalis Rosea, Hillerii Spire, Kanzan, Pandora, Pissardii Nigra, Royal Burgundy, Shidare Sakura, Spring Glow, Tai Haku, Tibetica