Viburnum - Wholesale Nurseries

A 'go to' plant with Landscapers, easy care Viburnum plants are available in a number of varieties from wholesale growers. With some suited as feature plants in the border, and others making good hedging plants you can find a Viburnum suited to most landsaping situations.

Used as foliage plants, flowering features and both formal and informal hedging plants depending on variety these useful plants are available in a range of sizes, usually as potted specimens from participating wholesale nurseries.

Many varieties will grow well in containers, however most Viburnums are better in the ground.


Viburnum varieties for the UK


Wholesale Viburnum varieties are available for sale from the following Wholesale Growers

Moor Lane Westfield Woking Surrey GU22 9RB UK
phone: 01483 722521 fax: 01483 756915
Includes: alpines, conifers, camellias, heathers, hederas, acers, rhododendrons, pieris, bamboo, climbers, herbaceous plants, ferns, grasses, hedging, waterside plants, ground cover plants