
Eranthis hyemalis and Eranthis cilicica with their yellow buttercup like flowers are the most common species used in the garden. However other species including the pretty Eranthis pinnatifida (from Japan) with its white flowers and blue stamens is also worth growing. 'Orange Glow' and 'Schwefelglanz' are two new hybrids .

The beauty of these plants is the color that they add to the garden in the colder months, and the ease with which they are grown.

These are a woodland plant that thrive when the deciduous trees lose their leaves in the winter and the light reaches the ground to spring them into action.

As the trees regain their foliage they retreat underground until next season.


Eranthis or winter aconites are best in sun to part shade, a humus rich moist soil is best.

These are a tuberous plant that do not take well to dry summer conditions. Like many plants you need to leave the foliage to die back naturally so that the tubers gain vital energy for next years growth.

Propagation is easy by division of established clumps in autumn. Seed can be collected and sown in a cold frame, or plants can be left to self seed which they will.

Not a plant for every garden, but in a woodland situation they are rather wonderful. we have also seen them grown in containers.

Eranthis are available for sale from the following growers

Flymoor Lane Rocklands Attleborough Norfolk NR 17 1BP
Tel: 01953 488 163
Offering a wide range of herbaceous perennials, ornamental trees,¬? shrubs and old roses; includes rare varieties and species and¬? well-loved classics; large plantsmans' garden.

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