Foliage Plants

While flowers are often the primary concern of gardeners much thought should go into the selection of foliage plants, these garden necessities provide color and texture year round and it is often the clever selection of foliage plants that make a successful garden design.

Foliage Plants for hanging baskets and the garden are valuable for the year round color they provide. Foliage Plants that are variegated are always useful however other foliage plants for containers or even the shade garden are also most desirable. Foliage plants includes Silver, Black Red Purple, Variegated, and Gray Foliage Plants as well as Trailing and Indoor Foliage Plants for hanging Baskets

Variegated Foliage Plants

Variegated foliage plants are particularly useful in shaded areas where the natural variegation brings the shadows to life.

Variegated foliage plants include:


Black foliage plants

Plants with black foliage can create a dramatic effect in the garden. However most black plants are really just a very dark red, so we include these as well. For shear impact why not try Colocasia esculenta or 'Black Magik elephant ears' (Black Wonder) huge leaves and great dark foliage. Slightly small is Colocasia esculanta 'illustris', the near black foliage has lime green veins ...stunning.

Other Black foliage plants include:

Silver Foliage Plants

Silver Foliage Plants (plants with silver leaves) for the garden include:

John Allman

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