Camomile lawns

As a lawn alternative the matt forming, Chamaemelum nobile 'Treneague' is probably the best solution for growing a fragrant chamomile lawn. It is non flowering and has fine soft foliage and although it does not cope well with heavy foot traffic, with a few pavers installed a path through this 'apple scented' aromatic lawn alternative can make an intriguing feature in the garden.

Chamomile grows by sending out small side shoots and they will join up with the the plugs over time. Chamaemelum nobile 'Treneague' does not flower and therefore no seeds, The best time to plant is in early spring so that you maximise the growing season in the first year.

You will need a sunny position for Chamomile to form a dense cover, it will grow in light shade, however it tend to be a little 'thin' and not as attractive.

Planting Camomile lawns

Best planted as plugs at around 10cm centres to form a good matt over 1-2 years. And in around 4 years your lawn should be dense and looking perfect.

Prepare the ground well by removing all weeds and any existing lawn,(you may need to use a weed killer over a few months to ensure that you have removed all weeds before planting).

Also ensure that the soil is well worked. If you have heavy clay soils you will need to look for an alternative or do some remedial work to improve the soil before planting.


Although not requiring a lot of fertiliser, regular watering over the first few months with a liquid seaweed fertiliser will aid in root development. Top dress in spring every year with an all purpose fertiliser.

Maintenance is minimal, simply leave alone for the first year expect for weed removal. As the lawn begins to fill out after 12 months you can give it a light trim with the mower (not to short).

Growing Camomile lawns from seed

The species Chamaemelum nobile will seed, and although we think it is not as good for a lawn as the non flowering no seeding cultivar Chamaemelum nobile 'Treneague' it indeed can be used.

Taller growing it will require a little more mowing, especially if you want to avoid the flowering. Or you could look for seeds of the form 'Chamaemelum nobile dwarf' lower growing than the species


John Allman 

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