A wonderful spring flowering plant Geum varieties are a rhizomatous perennial that will form a nice clump and will even spread a little underground.
One of the most popular cultivars is the well known Geum chiloense 'Mrs Bradshaw' pretty red flowers from spring through to summer and nice green foliage as well. Like most varieties this is a very undemanding palnt, easy to grow and minimal care.
'Lady Stratheden' is a pretty yellow flowering cultivar with trademark greenkidney shaped foliage, early flowering and well suited to growing in containers. And yes the common name for Geums is 'Avens'
Geum plants and species such as Geum 'Lemon Drops' with its drooping pale yellow flowers prefer a sunny position in a well drained humus rich moist soil. Geum rivale is refered to as the 'Water Avens' and yes is does like moist conditions a little faster growing than others
Geum Care
A humus rich moist soil is essential, Geums do not like to dry out in warmer weather. Dig in some well rotted compost and aged animal manure 3 - 4 weeks before planting. New plants can be watered in with some liquid seaweed fertilizer to provide a boost. And yes geums are a hardy plant.
Deadheading Geums can help promote a second flush of flowers.
Full sun to part shade is best, try to provide some protection from hot afternoon sun if you are lucky enough to get those conditions. Geums are fairly low growing, reaching a height of around .5m depending on conditions and variety, so a position towards the front of the border is best.
Propagation is by root division in late winter, or from seed sown into a cold frame in autumn.
Geum plants are available for sale from the following mail order nurseries
ROUGHAM HALL NURSERIES - phone 01359270577 Fax 01359277149
A14 Rougham Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 9LZ
Hardy perennials, soft fruit bushes, bare root hedging, mail order is offered on all products.
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