Euphorbia Plants
A wide ranging genus Euphorbia plants species and varieties are readily available for sale online from specialist nurseries and with such a diverse genus ranging from trees to very small plants, the best known of all is probably Euphorbia pulcherrima, better known as Ponsettia ( The Christmas Plant). However E. characias or the 'Mediterranean Spurge' is the one the name is associated with.
Other Euphorbia are known as 'Spurges' and these include Euphorbia mellifera 'Honey Spurge' as well as the quite spectacular Euphorbia characias wulfenii a great winter flowering plant in milder areas. Cultivars such as 'Diamond Frost'. Euphorbia x martinii 'Ascot-Rainbow' (pictured right) and other euphorbia plants are available for purchase online.
Euphorbia or 'spurge' are used widely in borders to add a fantastic splash of color in spring. Eurporbia are hardy given a well drained position, they cope with full sun and part shade, but with over 2000 species in the genus growing requiements will vary greatly.
Plants vary greatly in growing habit, some are low ground cover plants such as the polychroma and amygdaloides types, other euphorbias are taller bushes. Some even grow well in damp conditions.
Widely grown in rock gardens as well as containers euphorbia are much loved for the color that they ad to the garden during winter.
One of the most popular for dry conditions is E. charaacias 'wulfenii', or mediteranean spurge. Growing to form a nice mound in can reach 1m (3ft) and with flowers in winter is certainly adds color and shape to the garden border or a large container. The cultivar 'lambrooke gold' has flowers of a golden green color, an excellent choice.
Euphorbia myrsinites is a dwarf form growing to only 10cm. Euphorbia x martinii (pictured right) is great for spring color in the border and will grow to 30cm.
Euphorbia amygdaloides or 'wood spurge' in an evergreen species that does well in the shade, look for Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae with its lime-green flowers.
Euphorbia palustris is a tall plant reaching 90cm with bright green long lasting flowers.
Euphorbia Plants - Pruning and Care
Most species can be pruned in summer just after flowering. They usually do not require a
lot of pruning however they can be cut back to a strong bud, or you may need to prune old and stragly growth back to the base. Be careful whe
pruning euphorbia plants as the milky sap can be an irritant to the skin and eyes.
Euphorbia plants are available for sale online from the following nurseries
PENLAN PERENNIALS - Tel/Fax: 01239 842260
Wern Rhos Newchapel Boncath SA37 0EN
THE PLANTSMAN'S PREFERENCE - Tel: +44 (0) 7799 855559 or +44 (0) 7733 074141
Church Road, South Lopham, near Diss Norfolk N
Open Friday - Sunday, 9.30-5.00 March to October inc.
BALI-HAI MAIL ORDER NURSERY - Tel: 00442828885289
42, Largy Road city: Carnlough, Ballymena Co.Antrim BT44 0EZ
Flymoor Lane Rocklands Attleborough Norfolk NR 17 1BP