Lilium martagon var. album
One of the prettiest white lilies is Lilium martagon var. album, the white Turk's Cap lily.
The classic nodding or hanging white flowers with golden yellow stamens make this a 'must have' for the woodland garden or garden border.
Reaching between 1 and 2m in height and with 30 - 40 smallish flowers we find that these lilies look great when allowed a little space, this allows the natural graceful nature to show through rather than have them growing in crowded conditions.
In the garden planted against a green backdrop they will look outstanding when in full flower. A little varied planting with some tabards the rear of the border and some to the front where you can admire the beauty close up.
Can you grow these in a container?. If you wish, and we have seen a single plant in a nice ceramic pot, it looked great, a deep container with a good quality mix is essential.
A slightly alkaline soil is best, humus rich, moist but well drained particularly in winter. Poor drainage can lead to bulb rot. Look for a position where these wonderful bulbs get good morning sun and perhaps dappled shade in the afternoon.
Propagation of Lillium martagon var. album is by division of established clumps when dormant, or from seed sown directly into a cold frame.
If you do intend to grow from seed, this is a slow process, however you will be rewarded in time.