Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste Berry)
A tough drought tolerant hardy plant from the Mediterranean. Attractive purple flowers in summer and fine foliage. One of the attractions of the plant is the long flowering period, it will start in spring and continue right through summer until autumn.
Said to have a range of medicinal properties including related to acne, fertility and menopause. The fruit or berries, the leaves and stems are all used as traditional remedies as well as in cooking. However it is as a useful garden plant that we look at the plant. The cultivar Vitex agnus-castus 'Abbeville Blue' is pictured right.
Vitex agnus-castus Care
Many gardeners will prune back in autumn to maintain a more compact shape, however it is a plant that can be left to 'do its own thing'. Mulch well to maintain a cool root run for best effect.
A sunny position and well drained soil are essential.
Weeping Trees