With masses of flowers in spring through to summer Deutzia plants are easy an care deciduous shrub.
Species and varieties are many and include Deutzia elegantissima which is a bushy shrub to 1.5m with thin arching stems covered with carmine-pink flowers in late spring.
Plants are available for sale from mail order and specialist nurseries in the UK.
Some of the best Deutzia include :
- Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko' is a low growing plant suited to pots and containers or the rock garden.
- Deutzia 'Strawberry Fields' has masses of large flowers, mauve-pink edged white.
- Deutzia - 'Pink pom pom' has double pink flowers turning to white as they mature.
Propagation is easy, softwood cuttings can be taken in early summe, hardwood cuttings a little later. They seem to strike well in a bed of sharp sand and peat in a cold frame. After striking plants may take 2 seasons to flower.
Deutzia Care
Deutzia are deciduous shrub and are a reasonably slow growing plant. Multi stemmed and long arching canes with masses of attractive flowers in early summer
Where to grow Deutzia
Reasonably hardy and are frost tolerant they prefer full sun to part shade and are tolerant of heavier clay soils.
Pruning Deutzia.
Prune old canes during late winter removing any diseased or old woody canes. Mulch well. Lightly prune after flowering to maintain shape. Flowers form on last years wood.
Popular Deutzia species include:
Deutzia gracilis, D. nikko, D.crenata, D.scabra, D.rosea, D.elegantissima, D.magnifica. Pride of rochester and strawberry fields are popular hybrids.
Deutzia are available for sale from the following nurseries
Farlow, NR Kidderminster, Worcs, DY14 8TD
Contact Gordon and Chris Link
e-mail christine.link@lineone.net
Small nursery in south shropshire run by husband and wife team selling quality shrubs, climbers & perennials. Specialising in Syringa, Camellia, Daphne, Magnolia, Cornus. Includes: Deutzia
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